Graphic Design I and II

Design Culture Now Poster We were tasked with given information and had to lay it out in a exciting new composition for the public featuring all the artists and other information

Hobo Typeface Fun Was given a class period to come up with a composition using the typeface Hobo. I figured to have it revolve around me, and what as an individual we are.

Triforce Rage Photography Poster Tasked with designing a series of posters, the main and important character is "DJ MAXX" Information is listed above!

Triforce Rage Photography Poster 2 The 2nd edition to the Rave Posters featuring "DJ MAXX". Come check out his awesome beats!

Triforce Rage Photography Poster 3 The 3rd edition to the series of posters created for Triforce Rage Photography events featuring "DJ MAXX"!

No Restrictions #1 Using a mix of photography and typography placement to create a new composition explaining the importance of recycling.

No Restrictions #2 Using a mix of photography and typography placement to create a new composition

No Restrictions #3 Taking a step back and embracing old style design for a bit. A poster for Tron overhauled with a retro appeal.
Package Design
GD II Jaw Breakers Front In my Graphic Design II we were tasked with recreating a branding identity for anything. I chose my least favorite candy to help out!
GD II Jaw Breakers Angle Another view of Jaw Breakers. Looking back at it now I want to add some color the glass on the sides. Just something I took away!
GD II Jaw Breakers Top A picture looking down on the top cover of the jar for Jaw Breakers looking right at the illustration pattern of jawbreakers.
GDII Jaw Breakers Side A shot taken looking through the side of the jar looking at the tasty contents inside!
GDII Jaw Breakers Back A shot taken to show how delicious these jawbreakers are. They are labeled with "Warning" because of a sense of a tasty addiction and wonderful enjoyment!!

Lyceum This is the box of Lyceum that holds Aristotle's teachings. His teachings he pasted on to his students and had them research and take things into their own hands. This package allows anyone to mix and customize their own colognes.

Lyceum Front The front of the wooden package details what Lyceum is. Aristotle founded a school called Lyceum in Greece, gathering around him brilliant research students.

Lyceum Narrow Front View The front of Lyceum detailing what it is.

Suggested Combinations in Lyceum On the top of the box is listed suggestions for combinations.

Whole Lyceum Showcasing the whole Lyceum package

Lyceum Inside Content Bird Eye View The 4 step process to Lyceum. First Step: Select which principles you want. Second Step: Mix your chosen principles together. Third Step: Store your customized colognes in separate vials. Fourth Step: Apply chosen Cologne via Q-tip or smell by paper.

The Three Main Ingredients The first compartment contains the three principles of Lyceum: Logic, Virtue, and Scholarship. Each has their own specific scent.

Overview Angle of Contents Stage 2, 3, and 4 The mixing glass is on the left mixing the first three components, in stage 3 you achieve your result of mixing and store. Stage 4 take a Q-tip and apply to skin for scent application.

Ending Customized Mixtures 6 separate vials to put your own customized colognes inside, to apply later on whenever you choose.

Lyceum Contents The wooden package outside made of Aspen Wood along with the vials of cologne that can be customized to your own scents.

Lyceum Side Laser engraving of Doric Columns that were built when Aristotle taught inside.

Side and Back of Lyceum The side of the box is engraved with Doric Columns strengthening the integrity while displaying the school of Athens by Raphael on the back giving a sneak peak of the activity of collaboration.

School of Athens (Back) Laser engraved School of Athens with metal hinges holding the tops to the rest of the box.

Rainy Exit Drain (Color altered) Unfortunately it was raining outside, but I still went outside in my backyard over to the exit drain and started snapping away photos with time. The pathway gives an ominous and dark feeling.

Dandelions Everywhere When schoolwork was more important than maintaining the yard at our residence, I decided to take a few pictures before I mowed them all down.

Close Distance Photo I took a rather close photo of the top of a painted peg next to a boat landing during Winter in February. Brrrrrrr!!

Metal Park Object Took a picture of very cold looking and touching metal in the state park in Menomonie, Wisconsin

Crooked Tree Midseason

Pinhole Camera (Campus) We made our own pinhole camera and took pictures with it around town. We exposed it to light for about a few minutes or depending on the brightness of the sun!

Brown Cow

Photogenic Smiling Llama

Robin Looking at Soulmate

Exotic Bird

Exotic Feather Coat

Goats being Goats

Perfect German Afternoon

Small Horse (Donkey)

Inside the Bag of Cheese Curds

Gleeful Glance

The Healing Touch

EAA Experience

Outdoor Rainfall 1 (Single Drop)

Dragonfly (Close)

Outdoor Rainfall 2 (Many Drops)
Screen-print Design

Public is Key We are going into an age where everything is becoming more public and acceptable with anything. Privacy used to concern others with things like the NSA watching. Now that we are more open to solutions, we still need to ask ourselves if these products or services are worth putting our trust in.

Heart of the Future Another aid in 3D Printing is the ability to create artificial organs and structures for your body. One of the main organs that is important to us all is the heart. Scientist are trying to find different better alternatives for people in the future.

Clash of the Ages The difference between an old classic car like the proud Lincoln Model L released in the 1930's but soaked gas like no other at the time. In compare to the sleek Enigma Car infused with: Bio-Electric Hybrid Technology. Some people have their own preference for style.

The Fall of Atlantis This picture depicts the actions of the angered gods to the greedy people of Atlantis. First causing a massive earthquake to ensue, then erupting a burning hot volcano which slid Atlantis into the deep waters of the Mediterranean Sea.

3D Abuse Ever since the making of a 3D machine capable of producing 2D screen objects into 3D space and physically obtainable. Widgets and figurines are nice. Scientists and developers have found a way to replicate drugs for the mass if be, but this new way of technology could be easily abused and corrupted if released to the public.

Dolly the Sheep Keith Campbell (left) and Ian Wilmut (right) creators of Dolly the Sheep (middle). Showcasing the beginning of stem cell research and the possibilities behind it. Representing the first least ethical method.
Senior Project: Zitality

Getting Pumped for Zitality You should be too!!

Raring to go for Opening Night! Our senior Project is focused on Open Design. So I created an open volunteer system called Zitality. Zitality comes from two words: Zeal and Vitality. One meaning good behavior and the other promoting good health. Zitality rewards people who volunteer with another incentive besides warm feelings. When you volunteer your time it is recorded and then is converted over to Zitality Points. You can then use Zitality Points to receive discounts on food, clothing, outdoor gear, hotel and car rentals.

Mission Statement

Step 1: Involve Poster

Step 2: Record Poster

Step 3: Reward Poster

Zitality Bottle. Simple and fits.

Zitality Bowl and Buttons to help promote good behavior and good health. I also created Zitality Pens as well. Once again this idea was for people to get more involved in their community.

Zitality Stickers. Take them on the go!!

Zitality Folder

Zitality Shirt This is a shirt that I had screen printed for Zitality with a different illustration of Zitality's Logo. Zitality is suppose to be flexible to what the user wants, so I needed to reflect this in the design for parts.

Zitality Stationary

Zitality Stationary 2
Web Design

Site Redesigning We were tasked in my Interactive II course at UW-Stout to redesign a site that badly needed it. We wanted to change something in Door County, so we basically made a cherry filled website to help further promote how big cherries are in Door County Wisconsin.The Beginning intro section to Wisconsin Cherry Growers. The original site can be found here:

Front Top Page The FMA switches to a new picture every 6 seconds.

Mission/About Statement They previously had the information further down and not as bold. We brought it up made it very apparent to the user.

The Recipes Page This is a slimmed down version of the huge amounts of recipes in their original collection to just specific popular recipes.

Recipe Card When a recipe is clicked upon they are taken to a shadowbox which instructs the user on how to make the Cherry Dish before on the previous page.

Sellers Page At the top of the Sellers Page we embedded a google map selection to pinpoint and show people where each store or organization is in Door County Wisconsin.

The Sellers Newly listed in a gallery format with additional contact information below them, adds a much easier time finding or locating them, versus a boring long list with text like the previous one.

The Account Page This page is a default user entry for anyone wanting to become a member of Wisconsin Cherry Growers. Just to tell a little bio and possibly network with others.

Your Own Treat Page We incorporated a show gallery system for the Account Page. Their is an upload button above the images where it will prompt you to submit material for the area below.